Showing 5 Result(s)


PodMetrics is a data start-up idea focused on metrics for podcasts. I worked on the visual identity, website and showing some first digital product sketches.


Xperience app is designed to enhance learning in schools and bring students closer to the virtual world, where they can interact with interactive teaching aids in school. The platform uses augmented reality which makes it easy to develop interactions between student, teachers and content. I was responsable for create user interface and prototyping the app.


I was involved in the creation of Pophaus Visual Identity Project between 2015 and 2021. I created all the user interface and identity design, from logo to entire visual style.

PlayTennis Website

For PlayTennis, I was responsible for creating the user interface, talking with the ux designer about the user experience to arrive at good application solutions and collaborating with the development progress.